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From Opposite Ends to Converging Paths: Wokeism and Fascism are the same

 Are Wokeism and Fascism two faces of the same demon? Introduction: Woke and Fascist Logic What does this woke and Fascist ideology mean? In today's socio-political landscape, the ideologies of Wokeism and Fascism have emerged as prominent forces, often perceived as polar opposites. However, a deeper examination reveals striking similarities between the two. This article explores the convergence of Wokeism and Fascism, shedding light on their shared characteristics, tactics, and societal impacts. Understanding Wokeism Defining Wokeism : Wokeism, a term derived from "stay woke," refers to a social awareness movement that emphasizes identifying and combating societal injustices, particularly t hose related to race, gender, and identity. Woke Origins and Evolution Wokeism traces its roots to various civil rights movements and academic theories, evolving over time to encompass a wide range of progressive ideologies. mostly it is derived from left-leaning ideology Core Tenets

Are Men More Romantic than Women? || understanding female nature about love and romance.

Men and Women Having Romantic date with candle lights

The talk is, that most men are Romantics
so this statement flies in the face of what most people believe isn't the women who are interested in flowers and candlelit dinners and Wedding Bells Etc. It turns out that this is only the most superficial conceptualization of Romanticism.

Once I reveal the belief at the core of romantic love, you'll understand that most men on this planet today are Romantics, especially in the Western world. let's get to it in the sexual Marketplace things are not always what they seem for instance, many women are romantic on the surface and pragmatic at their core they are making cold rational decisions about who to mate and the date and often do a great deal of social Research into their targets and use all kinds of strategies to secure the best possible deal for themselves among their available options

On the other hand, men tend to be pragmatic on the surface and romantic at their core there's even this popular machismo that truth surrounding crows Man "I don't care I don't even need women" They are stone-cold up until the girl walks out the door and then they're a mess for weeks or months afterwards never trust a woman generally means of course that the man in question once in fact trusted a woman probably because he was under some illusions with respect to 'how women love a lot of angry men are actually spurned'.

Men hugging a women near a water pond
Men's views on love

Romantics still cling to their beliefs about how things are supposed to be and this becomes even clearer when we appreciate the most common male romantic confidence it's not what you expect but if you can understand why this one belief might be true then it opens the door for everything else that I've been writing on this website about intersexual Dynamics (psychology) this is key and it's going to hurt me to say it because it's actually a wonderful idea it's just not based in reality and here it is the most common male romantic belief is,

"I can be loved for who I am'' that's it this is a romantic belief and it's a romantic belief because it's based on fantasy it's a beautiful fantasy mind you the idea that you can be loved just for who you are or accept it as intrinsically enough and deep down that's what most men want to let me tell you, women, out there it would be so easy to get any man that you wanted all you have to do is cater to this romantic fantasy... "I don't need any of that stuff those other girls need I'm not materialistic I love you for you and I love you just the way that you are just being with you is enough" Every man in his heart of hearts wants to hear this from his woman and that's the fantasy is as a man you can just be and that who you are can be sufficient to secure the love and loyalty of a woman and it's not, I really really wish it were but it's not... you can have that kind of relationship maybe with your parents though not all of us are that lucky maybe with your dog you can have it with God............but you cannot have it with a woman that you're in an adult relationship the fact of the matter men is that you have to provide benefit to a woman in order to justify her choosing you over all of her other available options she's there because of what you do for her in terms of resources and lifestyle opportunity and of what you do to her in terms of Attraction and emotional experience a woman is not going to choose a man for love in his heart or the beauty of his soul or the understanding in his mind that's not how women operate......they even have trouble considering a man's potential it's what he does that counts men have to provide value in order to secure mating and dating opportunities if you can accept the truth of this one statement then everything else that I've been talking about with respect to the behavioural economics of relationship starts to make sense it is essentially the red pill in one sentence.

men thinking philosophically and looking through sunshine

On the other hand, the blue pill is a fundamentally romantic ideology that I can be loved for who I am that my loyalty and my virtue and my love can and should be enough to satisfy a woman it's not women like romance but they don't need it what they need is value. when men don't have that to offer they try to compete with the men who do by offering love instead this is why I said that romance is for men the idea that the intensity of my devotion or the purity of my love is something nobler more refined than anything that can be bought or anything that a man with means and success can provide and therefore should be prized higher than those things in a woman's decision making is ultimately a marketing strategy it's an attempt to influence the perception of the target audience to increase demand for the commodity in question.

 In reality, we all know that it's not enough for a man to be loved by just being himself because if it were every man would be in a relationship every man would have women talking to him every man would have options with women remember there's more of them than there are of us(men) so simple supply and demand should be working in our favour and that is clearly not the case


Strong rich men doing exercise

what happens is, that the top-level men are securing the vast majority of female attention and they do this not because of who they are deep down inside but because of what they've built ( this is how women choose long-term partners) and of what the women believe they could provide as a consequence of their status and success that's why the women are there and once you come to terms with that you kind of have to grieve the idea that a purely romantic love with a woman is possible. I think it really is a grieving process and this is hard for a lot of guys because it's actually a beautiful dream if that's how the world worked maybe the world would be a better place a comment on one of my former Article sums this position up nicely the person wrote, "wouldn't it be great if we could just be who we are and people would love us for that instead of playing all the psychological games" maybe it would be great but that's not the world we live in, my friend and abiding in a fantasy ultimately causes more pain than accepting reality ever could something to consider one final word of advice if you'd like to learn more about this I would highly recommend that you check out my tag the ' concealed truth about romance' in that series I break down many of the components of romantic love that together conspire to create tragic and unfulfilling outcomes for the romantics themselves what do you think does this fit with your own experience let me know in the comments below and if you've gotten this far you might as well like this Article and Subscribe (to subscribe Press the Bell icon In Bottom Right '🔔' ↘️ Or select three dots on top right and press follow button you will remain n touch with all the upcoming  articles ) for more content like this always thank you for Reading this far. appreciate your time ----- By Bhavya Panchal 


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