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From Opposite Ends to Converging Paths: Wokeism and Fascism are the same

 Are Wokeism and Fascism two faces of the same demon? Introduction: Woke and Fascist Logic What does this woke and Fascist ideology mean? In today's socio-political landscape, the ideologies of Wokeism and Fascism have emerged as prominent forces, often perceived as polar opposites. However, a deeper examination reveals striking similarities between the two. This article explores the convergence of Wokeism and Fascism, shedding light on their shared characteristics, tactics, and societal impacts. Understanding Wokeism Defining Wokeism : Wokeism, a term derived from "stay woke," refers to a social awareness movement that emphasizes identifying and combating societal injustices, particularly t hose related to race, gender, and identity. Woke Origins and Evolution Wokeism traces its roots to various civil rights movements and academic theories, evolving over time to encompass a wide range of progressive ideologies. mostly it is derived from left-leaning ideology Core Tenets

A short history of Bharat (why it should be renamed from India to Bharat)... HOW KNOWLEDGE WAS DESTROYED...

  Bharat M any years ago and land called Bharat exist in which people called Aryan was living this land was full of knowledge ethics and Science.... a land of brilliant people and richest land on the planet but money was not given such a important but the most valuable thing was the knowledge, ethics and the character of the persons living here... there was almost no crime...everyone was living peacefully happily and following the Vedas with are the most valuable an d oldest book ever found on the planet which is full of ancient science...exist in Bharat the people of Bharat was so brilliant that they can easily surpass this modern type of Mathematics Science and Architecture Engineering and many other field but the only mistake the people living here make was thought the world was there friend and also the people here was so brave and great personalities that didn't cheat and fight with ethics  in battlefield with anyone... for outsiders especially Islamic rulers to win this land